Class Summary |
Assignment |
The Assignment class performs assignments on the right-hand side of rules. |
AssistantConnection |
AssistantServer |
BASConfirmPage |
BASDefaultHeader |
BASEditRelationshipPage |
BASErrorPage |
BASHead |
The BASHead class provides custom behavior
for the Direct to Web Basic template component.. |
BASInspectPage |
BASListPage |
BASMasterDetailPage |
BASPlainListPage |
BASQueryAllEntitiesPage |
BASQueryPage |
BASSideHeader |
BASSidePageWrapper |
BooleanAssignment |
The BooleanAssignment class performs assignment of a key to an
object that represents a logical "true" or "false" value. |
BooleanQualifier |
D2W |
The D2W class is responsible for creating Direct to Web pages. |
D2WActions |
D2WCollapsibleComponentContent |
D2WCompactInspectComponent |
D2WComponent |
The D2WComponent class is the parent class for the Direct to Web
templates and the property-level components. |
D2WConfirmPage |
The D2WConfirmPage class provides the behavior for the confirm
page Direct to Web templates, specifically BASConfirmPage, NEUConfirmPage,
and WOLConfirmPage. |
D2WContext |
Direct to Web contexts are objects of the D2WContext class. |
D2WCustomComponent |
The D2WCustomComponent class is a component that allows you to use a
WebObjects reusable component as a property-level component. |
D2WCustomQueryComponent |
The D2WCustomQueryComponent class is a component that allows you to use a
WebObjects reusable component as a property-level component that performs queries. |
D2WDefaultCustomComponent |
The D2WDefaultCustomComponent class serves as the default WebObjects
reusable component for D2WCustomComponent and D2WCustomQueryComponent. |
D2WDisplayBoolean |
The D2WDisplayBoolean class is a property-level component that displays a
boolean stored as a number on the server. |
D2WDisplayDate |
The D2WDisplayDate class is a property-level component that displays a
date with an optional formatter. |
D2WDisplayHyperlink |
The D2WDisplayDate class is a property-level component that displays a
hyperlink. |
D2WDisplayImage |
The D2WDisplayImage class is a property-level component that displays
an image served from the database. |
D2WDisplayImageFromPath |
The D2WDisplayImageFromPath class is a property-level component that displays
an image whose name is stored in the attribute. |
D2WDisplayLargeString |
The D2WDisplayLargeString class is a property-level component that displays
a string in a multi-line text field. |
D2WDisplayMailTo |
This property-level component displays an e-mail address within a hyperlink. |
D2WDisplayNumber |
This property-level component displays a number with an optional formatter. |
D2WDisplayString |
This property-level component displays the attribute as a string. |
D2WDisplayStyledDate |
This property-level component displays a date with an optional formatter. |
D2WDisplayStyledNumber |
This property-level component displays a number with an optional formatter. |
D2WDisplayStyledString |
This property-level component displays the attribute as a string. |
D2WDisplayThresholdColoredNumber |
This property-level component displays a number with an optional formatter. |
D2WDisplayToMany |
This property-level component displays the first few objects of a to-many relationship in a list. |
D2WDisplayToMany2 |
This property-level component displays the objects of a to-many relationship in a table. |
D2WDisplayToManyBrowser |
This property-level component displays the objects of a to-many relationship in a browser. |
D2WDisplayToManyFault |
This property-level component displays a hyperlink representing a
to-many relationship. |
D2WDisplayToManyTable |
This property-level component displays the objects of a to-many
relationship in a table. |
D2WDisplayToOne |
This property-level component displays a hyperlink representing a to-one relationship. |
D2WDisplayToOneFault |
This property-level component displays a hyperlink representing a to-one relationship. |
D2WEdit |
This Direct to Web reusable component displays an edit component. |
D2WEditBoolean |
This property-level component allows the user to edit a boolean stored as a number
on the server. |
D2WEditDate |
This property-level component provides a text field for the user to enter a date. |
D2WEditLargeString |
This property-level component provides a multi-line text field for the user to enter a string. |
D2WEditNumber |
D2WEditNumber is a property-level component that provides a text field for
the user to enter a number. |
D2WEditRelationshipPage |
The D2WEditRelationshipPage class provides the behavior for the
edit-relationship page Direct to Web templates: BASEditRelationshipPage,
NEUEditRelationshipPage, and WOLEditRelationshipPage. |
D2WEditString |
D2WEditString is a property-level component that provides a text field for
the user to enter a string. |
D2WEditToManyFault |
D2WEditToManyFault is a property-level component that displays a hyperlink
representing a to-many relationship. |
D2WEditToManyRelationship |
D2WEditToManyRelationship is a property-level component that allows the user
to choose which objects are in a to-many relationship. |
D2WEditToOneFault |
D2WEditToOneRelationship |
D2WEditToOneRelationship is a property-level component that allows the user
to choose the destination object of a to-one relationship. |
D2WEditUneditable |
D2WEditUneditable is a property-level component that displays a message
stating that the property cannot be edited by the user. |
D2WEmbeddedComponent |
This class is used internally by other classes in WebObjects and should be considered private. |
D2WEmptyWrapper |
The D2WEmptyWrapper class serves as the default page wrapper for a
Direct to Web application. |
D2WErrorPage |
The D2WErrorPage class provides behavior for the error page
Direct to Web templates, specifically BASErrorPage, NEUErrorPage, and
WOLErrorPage. |
D2WFastModel |
The D2WFastModel class is a D2WModel that is specialized with support
for significant keys. |
D2WGenerationWrapper |
This class is used internally by other classes in WebObjects and should be considered private. |
D2WHead |
The D2WHead class provides the behavior
for the D2WHead component. |
D2WInspect |
This Direct to Web reusable component displays an inspect component. |
D2WInspectPage |
The D2WInspectPage class provides behavior for the inspect page
and edit page Direct to Web templates, specifically BASInspectPage,
NEUInspectPage, and WOLInspectPage. |
D2WKeyPathContainer |
This class is used internally by other classes in WebObjects and should be considered private. |
D2WList |
This Direct to Web reusable component displays a list component. |
D2WListPage |
The D2WListPage class provides the behavior for the list page and
select page Direct to Web templates, specifically BASListPage, NEUListPage,
and WOLListPage. |
D2WMasterDetailPage |
The D2WMasterDetailPage class provides the behavior for the
master-detail page Direct to Web templates, specifically BASMasterDetailPage,
NEUMasterDetailPage, and WOLMasterDetailPage. |
D2WModel |
The D2WModel class manages a set of rules for a Direct to Web application. |
D2WPage |
D2WPage is the parent class for the Direct to Web templates. |
D2WPlainListPage |
The D2WPlainListPage class provides the behavior for the plain-list page
Direct to Web templates, specifically BASPlainListPage, NEUPlainListPage, and
WOLPlainListPage. |
D2WQuery |
This Direct to Web reusable component displays a query component. |
D2WQueryAllEntitiesPage |
The D2WQueryAllEntitiesPage class provides the behavior for the query-all
page Direct to Web templates, specifically BASQueryAllEntitesPage,
NEUQueryAllPage, and WOLQueryAllPage. |
D2WQueryAnyField |
This property-level component builds a query based on the destination objects
of a relationship. |
D2WQueryBoolean |
This property-level component builds a query based on a boolean attribute
which is stored as a number on the server. |
D2WQueryDateOperator |
This property-level component builds a date query based on a date and an operator (for example, equal to). |
D2WQueryDateRange |
This property-level component builds a date query based on the range between two dates. |
D2WQueryNumberOperator |
This property-level component builds a number query based on a value and an operator (for example, equal to). |
D2WQueryNumberRange |
This property-level component builds a number query based on the range between two numbers. |
D2WQueryPage |
The D2WQueryPage class provides the behavior for the query page Direct to Web
templates: BASQueryPage, NEUQueryPage, and WOLQueryPage. |
D2WQueryRangeComponent |
This class is used internally by other classes in WebObjects and should be considered private. |
D2WQueryRelationship |
This class is used internally by other classes in WebObjects and should be considered private. |
D2WQueryStringComponent |
This property-level component builds a query based on a string using WODisplayGroup's default values for stringMatchFormat (#@* ) and stringMatchOperator (caseInsensitiveLike ). |
D2WQueryStringOperator |
This property-level component builds a query based on a string and an operator (for example, "starts with" and "contains"). |
D2WQueryToManyField |
This property-level component builds a query based on the value for a particular key of a destination object of a to-many relationship. |
D2WQueryToManyRelationship |
The D2WQueryToManyRelationship class is a property-level component that
builds a query based on the value for a particular key of a destination
object of a to-many relationship. |
D2WQueryToOneField |
The D2WQueryToOneField class is a property-level component that builds
a query based on the value for a particular key of a destination object
of a to-one relationship. |
D2WQueryToOneRelationship |
The D2WQueryToOneRelationship class is a property-level component that
builds a query based on the value for a particular key of a destination
object of a to-one relationship. |
D2WQueryUnavailable |
The D2WQueryUnavailable class is a property-level component that displays a
message stating that a query cannot be built based on this property. |
D2WRemoteControl |
D2WSelect |
This Direct to Web reusable component displays a select component. |
D2WStandAloneWebAssistantFrame |
D2WStatelessComponent |
The D2WStatelessComponent class represents a stateless Direct to Web
component. |
D2WSwitchComponent |
The D2WSwitchComponent class gives a reusable Direct to Web component
the option to choose which D2WComponent to use in a given context. |
D2WTabInspectPage |
The D2WTabInspectPage class provides the behavior
for the tab-inspect page Direct to Web templates,
specifically NEUTabInspectPage and WOLTabInspectPage. |
D2WUtils |
D2WWebAssistantFrame |
D2WWebAssistantPage |
DarwinShadow |
DefaultAssignment |
The DefaultAssignment class methods provide default values for the
right-hand sides of rules. |
DefaultHeader |
The DefaultHeader class defines the behavior of the menu header
in a Direct to Web application. |
EditComponent |
This class is used internally by other classes in WebObjects and should be considered private. |
EditRelationship |
The EditRelationship class provides an implementation of the
replacementAssociationForAssociation method to components that
implement the editing of relationships. |
EntityAssignment |
The EntityAssignment class performs assignment of a key to an object that
represents an entity. |
KeyValuePath |
NEUCompactInspectComponent |
NEUConfirmPage |
NEUEditRelationshipPage |
NEUErrorPage |
NEUHeader |
NEUInspectPage |
NEUListPage |
NEUMasterDetailPage |
NEUPlainListPage |
NEUQueryAllPage |
NEUQueryPage |
NEUTabInspectPage |
NonNullQualifier |
QueryComponent |
This class is used internally by other classes in WebObjects and should be considered private. |
QueryOperatorComponent |
This class is used internally by other classes in WebObjects and should be considered private. |
Rule |
The Rule class represents a simple inference. |
ServerInterfaceManager |
ServerSideAction |
ServerSideSettings |
Services |
TabDictionaryComputer |
The list of tab names and of tab contents is not a rule firing phenomenon. |
WOLCompactInspectComponent |
WOLConfirmPage |
WOLEditRelationshipPage |
WOLErrorPage |
WOLHeader |
WOLInspectPage |
WOLListPage |
WOLMasterDetailPage |
WOLPlainListPage |
WOLQueryAllPage |
WOLQueryPage |
WOLTabInspectPage |