WebObjects 5.4.2

Interface NextPageDelegate

public interface NextPageDelegate

This interface defines the nextPage method that a Direct to Web template can invoke in its next page delegate. See the "Customizing a Direct to Web Application" chapter of "Developing WebObjects Applications With Direct to Web" for more information about using the next page delegate.

Method Summary
 WOComponent nextPage(WOComponent sender)
          This action method is invoked when the user leaves a Direct to Web page.

Method Detail


WOComponent nextPage(WOComponent sender)
This action method is invoked when the user leaves a Direct to Web page. It returns the next page (a WOComponent object) to display. If this method is not implemented, the sender is redisplayed.

sender - the Direct to Web page that invoked this method call
the next page to display in the application. It's the developer's responsibility to implement this method and initialize the next page appropriately

Last updated June 2008

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