WebObjects 5.4.2

Package com.webobjects.eointerface.swing

Interface Summary
EOSwingTableColumnPlugin.TableColumnCustomizer Use this interface to implement your custom TableColumnCustomizer which will be used to obtain the CellRenderer and CellEditor for this plugin's column.
EOTextComponentAccess EOTextComponentAccess is an interface that defines an API for accessing editable text components of Swing components.

Class Summary
EOColumnEditor EOColumnEditor is an abstract class that implements generalized cell editing management for javax.swing.JTables.
EOControlActionAdapter The EOControlActionAdapter class is used to connect user interface widgets to the actions performed with those controls.
EOForm EOForm is a subclass of EOMatrix that manages a collection of labelled text fields laid out on a grid.
EOFormCell EOFormCell objects implement entries in EOForms.
EOFrame An EOFrame is a window that uses the EOViewLayout layout manager to manage layout geometry.
EOImageView The EOImageView class is used to display images (java.awt.Image objects) in Swing user interfaces.
EOMatrix EOMatrix is a class used to group collections of mutually exclusive JRadioButtons and to lay them out on a grid.
EOQuickTimeView The EOQuickTimeView class is used to display QuickTime movies (or other QuickTime playe types) in Swing user interfaces.
EOSwingButtonPlugin EOSwingButtonPlugin is a concrete subclass of EOActionWidgetAssociation.ActionPlugin which is used with Swing buttons.
EOSwingCheckBoxPlugin EOSwingCheckBoxPlugin is a concrete subclass of EOValueAssociation.ValuePlugin which is used with Swing's JCheckBox.
EOSwingComboBoxPlugin EOSwingComboBoxPlugin is a concrete subclass of EOValueSelectionAssociation.ValueSelectionPlugin which is used with Swing's JComboBox.
EOSwingImageViewPlugin EOSwingImageViewPlugin is a concrete subclass of EOValueAssociation.ValuePlugin that displays NSData as an java.awt.Image in an EOImageView.
EOSwingQuickTimeViewPlugin EOSwingQuickTimeViewPlugin is a concrete subclass of EOValueAssociation.ValuePlugin that displays QuickTime content from a URL which is passed in as a value, using an EOQuickTimeView.
EOSwingSetPlugin EOSwingSetPlugin is a concrete subclass of EOWidgetPluginRegistry.WidgetSetPlugin which is used to diplay alerts using JFC.
EOSwingTableColumnPlugin EOSwingTableColumnPlugin is a concrete subclass of EOTableColumnAssociation.TableColumnPlugin which is used with Swing table columns.
EOSwingTablePlugin EOSwingTablePlugin is a concrete subclass of EOTableAssociation.TablePlugin which is used with Swing tables.
EOSwingTextPlugin EOSwingTextPlugin is a concrete subclass of EOTextAssociation.TextPlugin which is used a Swing JTextComponent (or a EOTextComponentAccess, which includes a JTextComponent).
EOSwingUtilities EOSwingUtilities is a class of static methods for convenience.
EOTable The EOTable class is used to represent tables of data.
EOTextArea The EOTextArea class is used to represent large text in a scrollable area.
EOTextColumnEditor EOTextColumnEditor is an concrete subclass of EOColumnEditor that handles text cell editing for javax.swing.JTables.
EOTextField EOTextField is a subclass of javax.swing.JTextField that adds the notion of selectability (so that text fields can be selectable, but not editable).
EOView An EOView is a JPanel that uses an EOViewLayout layout manager to manage layout geometry.
EOViewLayout An EOViewLayout is an AWT layout manager which offers "spring" resizing (like Cocoa views).

Last updated June 2008

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