WebObjects 5.4.2

Class EOTableColumnAssociation.TableColumnPlugin

  extended by com.webobjects.eointerface.EOWidgetAssociation.WidgetPlugin
      extended by com.webobjects.eointerface.EOTableColumnAssociation.TableColumnPlugin
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
Enclosing class:

public abstract static class EOTableColumnAssociation.TableColumnPlugin
extends EOWidgetAssociation.WidgetPlugin

TableColumnPlugin communicates with a UI widget (Cocoa's NSTableColumn or JFC's TableColumn, for example) on behalf of an EOTableAssociation. The TableColumnPlugin class defines some basic functionality concrete subclasses must implement for this communication to work.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.webobjects.eointerface.EOWidgetAssociation.WidgetPlugin
Constructor Summary
EOTableColumnAssociation.TableColumnPlugin(EOWidgetAssociation association, Object widget)
          Creates a new TableColumnPlugin for use with association and widget.
Method Summary
abstract  int columnIndexInTable()
          Gets the positional index of the plugin's column.
abstract  Object displayValueForValue(Object value)
          Formats a data value for display (potentially using a Formatter object as defined in subclasses).
 boolean endEditing()
          Asks the plugin to halt editing of its widget in the UI.
abstract  boolean isEditable()
          This method returns a flag indicating whether the TableColumn is editable.
abstract  Object table()
          This method is usually called internally and used to obtain the table widget from the column widget.
abstract  EOTableAssociation tableAssociation()
          Returns an association for the table of this plugin's column.
abstract  Object valueForDisplayValue(Object displayValue)
          This method performs the reverse operation of formatting, that is, it returns the data value for a displayed value, potentially using a Formatter object's "parse" method as defined in subclasses.
Methods inherited from class com.webobjects.eointerface.EOWidgetAssociation.WidgetPlugin
association, breakConnection, dispose, establishConnection, unacceptableAspects, widget, widgetKeysTaken
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EOTableColumnAssociation.TableColumnPlugin(EOWidgetAssociation association,
                                                  Object widget)
Creates a new TableColumnPlugin for use with association and widget.

association - EOTableColumnAssociation for this plugin to communicate with
widget - the table column object for this plugin to manage
Method Detail


public abstract Object displayValueForValue(Object value)
Formats a data value for display (potentially using a Formatter object as defined in subclasses).

value - the data value to be displayed, usually coming from the display group set in the association
the value formatted for display (a String)


public abstract Object valueForDisplayValue(Object displayValue)
This method performs the reverse operation of formatting, that is, it returns the data value for a displayed value, potentially using a Formatter object's "parse" method as defined in subclasses. Note that there may be a loss of precision or detail depending on the display value.

displayValue - the (String) value as it was displayed and/or entered by the user
the data value parsed from the display value


public abstract boolean isEditable()
This method returns a flag indicating whether the TableColumn is editable.

true if the column is editable, false otherwsie


public boolean endEditing()
Asks the plugin to halt editing of its widget in the UI.

true if editing ended successfully, false if the widget would not allow editing to end, typically because of a formatting error


public abstract EOTableAssociation tableAssociation()
Returns an association for the table of this plugin's column.

an association for the table, if available, otherwise null


public abstract Object table()
This method is usually called internally and used to obtain the table widget from the column widget.

the table view object that contains this plugin's table column


public abstract int columnIndexInTable()
Gets the positional index of the plugin's column.

positional index of the plugin's table column widget in its table widget 0 is the first column on the left, -1 if this column isn't in a table

Last updated June 2008

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