WebObjects 5.4.2

Class EOActionAssociation

  extended by com.webobjects.eocontrol.EODelayedObserver
      extended by com.webobjects.eointerface.EOAssociation
          extended by com.webobjects.eointerface.EOWidgetAssociation
              extended by com.webobjects.eointerface.EOActionWidgetAssociation
                  extended by com.webobjects.eointerface.EOActionAssociation
All Implemented Interfaces:
EOObserving, NSDisposable


public class EOActionAssociation
extends EOActionWidgetAssociation

An EOActionAssociation object allows you to set up an interface object, such as a button, to send a message to the Enterprise Objects selected in the association's display group when the interface object is acted on.

Usable with:
com.webobjects.eointerface.swing: Any object that implements the method addActionListener (javax.swing.JButton and javax.swing.JMenuItem, for example).
com.webobjects.eointerface.cocoa: NSControl, NSActionCell, and their subclasses.


actionBound to a key that names the method to invoke on the selected objects. If the argument aspect isn't bound, the method must take no arguments. If the argument aspect is bound, then the method must take exactly one argument.
argumentAn object attribute or relationship of the selected object, passed as an argument to the action method. (Usually bound to a different EODisplayGroup than the one bound to action.)
enabledA boolean attribute of the selected object, which determines whether the display object is enabled.


Suppose you have an application that manages member accounts, each of which has a restriction on the outstanding balance allowed. You want a user to be able to increase the restriction limit by selecting one or more members and then clicking a button. To do this, you define a boostRestrictions method in the Member class that increases the limit by 20%. In Interface Builder, control-drag a connection from the button to the Member display group. Select EOActionAssociation in the Connections inspector, and bind the association's action aspect to the "boostRestrictions" key.

In another scenario, one EODisplayGroup shows Members, while another shows video tapes available for rent. Here, you want a user to be able to select a member, select a video tape, and then click a Rent button that checks the selected tape out to the selected member. To do this, define a rentVideoTape method in the Member class that takes a VideoTape as an argument and handles the accounting involved in a video rental. Then, in Interface Builder, control-drag a connection from the button to the Members display group. Select EOActionAssociation in the Connections inspector, and bind the association's action aspect to Member's rentVideoTape action. Similarly, control-drag a connection from the button to the VideoTape display group. Select EOActionAssociation in the Connections inspector, and bind the association's argument aspect to the VideoTape display group. Now, when the user selects a Member, selects a VideoTape, and clicks the button, the selected Member is sent a rentVideoTape message with the selected VideoTape.

5.4 deprecated

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.webobjects.eointerface.EOActionWidgetAssociation
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.webobjects.eointerface.EOWidgetAssociation
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.webobjects.eointerface.EOAssociation
ActionAspect, ArgumentAspect, AttributeAspectSignature, AttributeToManyAspectSignature, AttributeToOneAspectSignature, AttributeToOneToManyAspectSignature, BackgroundColorAspect, BoldAspect, ChildrenAspect, DestinationAspect, EnabledAspect, ExpandedIconAspect, IconAspect, IgnoreValue, IsLeafAspect, ItalicAspect, MatchKey1Aspect, MatchKey2Aspect, MatchKey3Aspect, NullAspectSignature, ParentAspect, RootAspect, SelectedIndexAspect, SelectedObjectAspect, SelectedTitleAspect, SetValue, SourceAspect, TextColorAspect, TitlesAspect, ToManyAspectSignature, ToOneAspectSignature, ToOneToManyAspectSignature, UnsetValue, URLAspect, ValueAspect
Fields inherited from class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EODelayedObserver
ObserverNumberOfPriorities, ObserverPriorityFifth, ObserverPriorityFirst, ObserverPriorityFourth, ObserverPriorityImmediate, ObserverPriorityLater, ObserverPrioritySecond, ObserverPrioritySixth, ObserverPriorityThird
Constructor Summary
EOActionAssociation(Object aDisplayObject)
          Deprecated. Creates a new EOActionAssociation to monitor and update the value in aDisplayObject, typically a button or menu item.
Method Summary
protected  boolean displayGroupSelectionsAllowEnabled()
          Deprecated. Returns whether or not the set of selected items in the action display group allows for this association to perform its action.
 void invokeAction()
          Deprecated. Invoked by the receiver's plugin when its display object is acted upon.
 String primaryAspect()
          Deprecated. Returns the primary aspect this association gets bound to.
Methods inherited from class com.webobjects.eointerface.EOActionWidgetAssociation
isEnabled, isEnabledAtIndex, subjectChanged, widgetPluginClass
Methods inherited from class com.webobjects.eointerface.EOWidgetAssociation
canSupportValueFormatter, defaultPrefersContinuousChangeNotification, dispose, isUsableWithObject, objectKeysTaken, prefersContinuousChangeNotification, setDefaultPrefersContinuousChangeNotification, setObject, setPrefersContinuousChangeNotification, setValueFormatter, valueFormatter, widgetPlugin
Methods inherited from class com.webobjects.eointerface.EOAssociation
aspects, aspectSignatures, associationClassesForObject, bindAspect, breakConnection, copyMatchingBindingsFromAssociation, displayGroupForAspect, displayGroupKeyForAspect, endEditing, establishConnection, isConnected, isExplicitlyDisabled, object, priority, registerAssociationClass, setExplicitlyDisabled, setValueForAspect, setValueForAspectAtIndex, shouldEndEditing, shouldEndEditingAtIndex, valueForAspect, valueForAspectAtIndex
Methods inherited from class com.webobjects.eocontrol.EODelayedObserver
discardPendingNotification, objectWillChange, observerQueue
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EOActionAssociation(Object aDisplayObject)
Creates a new EOActionAssociation to monitor and update the value in aDisplayObject, typically a button or menu item.

You normally set up associations in Interface Builder, in which case you don't need to create them programmatically. However, if you do create them up programmatically, setting them up is a multi-step process. After creating an association, you must bind its aspects and establish its connections.

aDisplayObject - display object for this association to manage
See Also:
EOAssociation.bindAspect(java.lang.String, com.webobjects.eointerface.EODisplayGroup, java.lang.String), EOAssociation.establishConnection()
Method Detail


public void invokeAction()
Invoked by the receiver's plugin when its display object is acted upon. Sends the method identified by the receiver's action aspect (with an argument, if the argument aspect is bound) to the selected objects.

Specified by:
invokeAction in class EOActionWidgetAssociation


protected boolean displayGroupSelectionsAllowEnabled()
Returns whether or not the set of selected items in the action display group allows for this association to perform its action. If true, then the action can be invoked, otherwise nothing will happen when the invokeAction method is called on this association.

displayGroupSelectionsAllowEnabled in class EOActionWidgetAssociation
true if the action display group selection is not empty and either the argument aspect is not bound or the argument display group selection is not empty; false otherwise


public String primaryAspect()
Returns the primary aspect this association gets bound to.

primaryAspect in class EOAssociation

Last updated June 2008

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