WebObjects 5.4.2

Class WOJavaClientJNLP

  extended by com.webobjects.appserver.WOElement
      extended by com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent
          extended by com.webobjects.eodistribution.WOJavaClientJNLP
All Implemented Interfaces:
WOActionResults, NSKeyValueCoding, NSKeyValueCoding.ErrorHandling, NSKeyValueCodingAdditions, NSValidation, Serializable, Cloneable

public class WOJavaClientJNLP
extends WOComponent

WOJavaClientJNLP is the component called to dynamically create the Web Start JNLP information for WebObjects Java Client applications. The JNLP information is in XML format, and its format is defined in WOJavaClientJNLP.wo, mainly by using WOXMLNode components. The implemented format uses several variables, repetitions and conditionals. The WOJavaClientJNLP class mostly consists of accessor methods for these variables. Developers configure the values through bindings on WOJavaClientComponents (the values are read from the bindings and transferred to the WOJavaClientJNLP component).

If developers create additional bindings for the WOJavaClientComponent, they will be passed as additionalMainArguments to the WOJavaClientJNLP component and then then (automatically) to the Java Client applications, as long as the values are of type String.

The JNLP XML format defined here includes all the commonly used parameters. However, it can be subclassed for very special situations. In these cases, additional string bindings in the WOJavaClientComponent can be used for additional variables in the JNLP file. Since these will be passed to the WOJavaClientJNLP component as "additionalMainArguments", subclasses can override either the method setAdditionalMainArguments or the method additionalMainArguments in order to filter these variables out of the list of "real" main arguments. To use your own WOJavaClientJNLP subclass, specify the class name with the JNLPComponentName binding on the WOJavaClientComponent.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.webobjects.foundation.NSKeyValueCodingAdditions
NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.DefaultImplementation, NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.Utility
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.webobjects.foundation.NSValidation
NSValidation.DefaultImplementation, NSValidation.Utility, NSValidation.ValidationException
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface com.webobjects.foundation.NSKeyValueCodingAdditions
Constructor Summary
WOJavaClientJNLP(WOContext context)
          Creates a new WOJavaClientJNLP component in a given context.
Method Summary
 NSDictionary additionalMainArguments()
          Returns the additional command line parameters (in addition to the predefined, standard ones) which will be passed to the main method on the client.
 String applicationDescription()
          Returns a string describing the application.
 String applicationIcon()
          Returns the URL for the (optional) application icon.
 String applicationName()
          Returns the descriptive client application name.
 String applicationURL()
          Returns the application's URL for the JNLP file generation.
 String channelClassName()
          Returns the channelClassName for the JNLP file generation.
 String codebase()
          Returns the codebase URL.
 boolean hasApplicationDescription()
          Returns whether the string describing the application is set.
 boolean hasApplicationIcon()
          Returns whether the URL for the (optional) application icon is set.
 boolean hasApplicationName()
          Returns whether the application name is set.
 boolean hasHomepage()
          Returns whether the homepage URL is set.
 boolean hasVendor()
          Returns whether the vendor is set.
 String homepage()
          Returns the Homepage URL.
 String j2seVersion()
          Returns J2SE version required for the client installation, by default "1.4+".
 String jarFileDownload()
          Returns the download option for the current jar file (the default is "eager", but you may use "lazy").
 String jarFileMain()
          Returns the "main" flag for the current jar file (null by default).
 String jarFileName()
          Returns the current jar file that the WORepetition (for the jar file names) is iterating over while generating the JNLP file.
 NSArray jarFileNames()
          Returns the array of jar files to be downloaded by Web Start (at the codebase URL).
 String jnlpURL()
          Returns the URL at which Web Start will look an updated JNLP file.
 String mainArgument()
          Returns the current main argument that the WORepetition (for the main arguments) is iterating over over while generating the JNLP file.
 NSArray mainArguments()
          Returns all command line parameters which will be passed to the Java Client application's main method.
 String mainClass()
          Returns the full Java class name containing the main method for the client, by default com.webobjects.eoapplication.client.EOClientApplicationSupport.
 boolean needsAllPermissions()
          Returns whether the Java Client application needs all permissions (versus running in an applet-like sandbox).
 String page()
          Returns the page for the JNLP file generation.
 void setAdditionalMainArguments(NSDictionary additionalMainArguments)
          Sets additional command line parameters (in addition to the predefined, standard ones) which will be passed to the main method on the client.
 void setApplicationDescription(String applicationDescription)
          Sets a string describing the application.
 void setApplicationIcon(String applicationIcon)
          Sets a URL for the (optional) application icon.
 void setApplicationName(String applicationName)
          Sets the descriptive client application name.
 void setApplicationURL(String applicationURL)
          Sets the application's URL so that it can be used in the JNLP file generation.
 void setChannelClassName(String channelClassName)
          Sets the channelClassName so that it can be used in the JNLP file generation.
 void setCodebase(String codebase)
          Sets the codebase URL.
 void setHomepage(String homepage)
          Sets the Homepage URL.
 void setJ2seVersion(String j2seVersion)
          Sets the J2SE version required for the client installation.
 void setJarFileName(String name)
          Sets the current jar file that the WORepetition (for the jar file names) is iterating over while generating the JNLP file.
 void setJarFileNames(NSArray jarFileNames)
          Sets the array of jar files to be downloaded by Web Start (at the codebase URL).
 void setMainArgument(String name)
          Sets the current main argument that the WORepetition (for the main arguments) is iterating over over while generating the JNLP file.
 void setNeedsAllPermissions(boolean flag)
          Sets whether the Java Client application needs all permissions (versus running in an applet-like sandbox).
 void setPage(String page)
          Sets the page so that it can be used in the JNLP file generation.
 void setVendor(String vendor)
          Sets the descriptive vendor name.
 String vendor()
          Returns the descriptive vendor name.
Methods inherited from class com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent
appendToResponse, application, awake, baseURL, bindingKeys, canAccessFieldsDirectly, canGetValueForBinding, canSetValueForBinding, clone, context, debugString, descriptionForResponse, ensureAwakeInContext, frameworkName, generateResponse, handleQueryWithUnboundKey, handleTakeValueForUnboundKey, hasBinding, hasSession, invokeAction, isCachingEnabled, isEventLoggingEnabled, isStateless, logString, name, pageWithName, parent, path, pathURL, performParentAction, pullValuesFromParent, pushValuesToParent, reset, session, set_componentUnroll, set_unroll, setCachingEnabled, setValueForBinding, setVariableValueForName, sleep, synchronizesVariablesWithBindings, takeValueForKey, takeValueForKeyPath, takeValuesFromRequest, template, templateWithHTMLString, templateWithHTMLString, templateWithHTMLString, templateWithName, toString, unableToSetNullForKey, validateTakeValueForKeyPath, validateValueForKey, validationFailedWithException, valueForBinding, valueForBooleanBinding, valueForIntegerBinding, valueForKey, valueForKeyPath, valueForNSArrayBindings, valueForNSDictionaryBindings, valueForNumberBinding, valueForStringBinding, variableValueForName, variableWithName
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public WOJavaClientJNLP(WOContext context)
Creates a new WOJavaClientJNLP component in a given context.

context - the WebObjects context for the WOJavaClientJNLP component
Method Detail


public void setApplicationURL(String applicationURL)
Sets the application's URL so that it can be used in the JNLP file generation.

applicationURL - the application URL, usually dynamically derived from the WebObjects application server base URL


public String applicationURL()
Returns the application's URL for the JNLP file generation.

applicationURL the application URL, usually dynamically derived from the WebObjects application server base URL


public void setPage(String page)
Sets the page so that it can be used in the JNLP file generation. This page is the page on which the WOJavaClientComponent is defined. (So that there can be be multiple such pages, although usually it is the "JavaClient" page.)

page - the name of the WOJavaClientComponent's page


public String page()
Returns the page for the JNLP file generation. This page is the page on which the WOJavaClientComponent is defined. (So that there can be be multiple such pages, although usually it is the "JavaClient" page.)

the name of the WOJavaClientComponent's page


public void setChannelClassName(String channelClassName)
Sets the channelClassName so that it can be used in the JNLP file generation. The channelClassName will be passed to the Java Client application as a command line parameter, and can be used to set a custom EODistributionChannel for the application.

channelClassName - the class name of the custom EODistributionChannel subclass


public String channelClassName()
Returns the channelClassName for the JNLP file generation. The channelClassName will be passed to the Java Client application as a command line parameter, and can be used to set a custom EODistributionChannel for the application.

the class name of the custom EODistributionChannel subclass


public String j2seVersion()
Returns J2SE version required for the client installation, by default "1.4+".

the J2SE version as a String (possibly with a "+" at the end)


public void setJ2seVersion(String j2seVersion)
Sets the J2SE version required for the client installation.


public void setApplicationName(String applicationName)
Sets the descriptive client application name. It will appear in the Web Start dialogs and progress panels.

applicationName - the application name


public String applicationName()
Returns the descriptive client application name. It will appear in the Web Start dialogs and progress panels.

applicationName the application name


public boolean hasApplicationName()
Returns whether the application name is set. Used for a conditional in the JNLP XML format.

true if the application name is set; false otherwise


public void setVendor(String vendor)
Sets the descriptive vendor name. It will appear in the Web Start dialogs and progress panels.

vendor - the vendor name


public String vendor()
Returns the descriptive vendor name. It will appear in the Web Start dialogs and progress panels.

the vendor name


public boolean hasVendor()
Returns whether the vendor is set. Used for a conditional in the JNLP XML format.

true if the vendor is set; false otherwise


public void setHomepage(String homepage)
Sets the Homepage URL. It will appear in the Web Start dialogs and progress panels.

homepage - the homepage URL


public String homepage()
Returns the Homepage URL. It will appear in the Web Start dialogs and progress panels.

the homepage URL.


public boolean hasHomepage()
Returns whether the homepage URL is set. Used for a conditional in the JNLP XML format.

true if the homepage URL is set; false otherwise


public void setApplicationDescription(String applicationDescription)
Sets a string describing the application. Usually one sentence.

applicationDescription - the string describing the application


public String applicationDescription()
Returns a string describing the application. Usually one sentence.

the string describing the application


public boolean hasApplicationDescription()
Returns whether the string describing the application is set. Used for a conditional in the JNLP XML format.

true if the string describing the application is set; false otherwise


public void setApplicationIcon(String applicationIcon)
Sets a URL for the (optional) application icon. See the Web Start documentation for more information.

applicationIcon - the URL for the (optional) application icon


public String applicationIcon()
Returns the URL for the (optional) application icon. See the Web Start documentation for more information.

the URL for the (optional) application icon


public boolean hasApplicationIcon()
Returns whether the URL for the (optional) application icon is set. Used for a conditional in the JNLP XML format.

true if the URL for the (optional) application icon is set; false otherwise


public void setNeedsAllPermissions(boolean flag)
Sets whether the Java Client application needs all permissions (versus running in an applet-like sandbox).

flag - true if the Java Client application needs all permissions; false otherwise


public boolean needsAllPermissions()
Returns whether the Java Client application needs all permissions (versus running in an applet-like sandbox).

true if the Java Client application needs all permissions; false otherwise


public void setCodebase(String codebase)
Sets the codebase URL. At this URL, Web Start will look for the jar files to be downloaded.

codebase - the codebase URL


public String codebase()
Returns the codebase URL. At this URL, Web Start will look for the jar files to be downloaded.

the codebase URL


public String jnlpURL()
Returns the URL at which Web Start will look an updated JNLP file. The web site should have link to this URL for browsers to initiate a Web Start doenload/update. This method would be overridden by a subclass only in very rare cases.

the URL for dynamically generating the JNLP file


public void setJarFileNames(NSArray jarFileNames)
Sets the array of jar files to be downloaded by Web Start (at the codebase URL). The list of jar files is usually generated automatically from the bundles of the application or set per binding on the WOJavaClientComponent.

jarFileNames - the NSArray with the names of the jar files that Web Start should download


public NSArray jarFileNames()
Returns the array of jar files to be downloaded by Web Start (at the codebase URL). The list of jar files is usually generated automatically from the bundles of the application or set per binding on the WOJavaClientComponent.

jarFileNames the NSArray with the names of the jar files that Web Start should download


public void setJarFileName(String name)
Sets the current jar file that the WORepetition (for the jar file names) is iterating over while generating the JNLP file.

name - the name of the current jar file


public String jarFileName()
Returns the current jar file that the WORepetition (for the jar file names) is iterating over while generating the JNLP file.

the name of the current jar file


public String jarFileMain()
Returns the "main" flag for the current jar file (null by default). See the Web Start and JNLP documentation for more information.

the "main" flag for the current jar file


public String jarFileDownload()
Returns the download option for the current jar file (the default is "eager", but you may use "lazy"). See the Web Start and JNLP documentation for more information.

the download option for the current jar file ("eager" or "lazy")


public String mainClass()
Returns the full Java class name containing the main method for the client, by default com.webobjects.eoapplication.client.EOClientApplicationSupport.

the class name containing the main method for the client


public void setAdditionalMainArguments(NSDictionary additionalMainArguments)
Sets additional command line parameters (in addition to the predefined, standard ones) which will be passed to the main method on the client.

additionalMainArguments - the NSDictionary with additional parameters for the main method


public NSDictionary additionalMainArguments()
Returns the additional command line parameters (in addition to the predefined, standard ones) which will be passed to the main method on the client.

the NSDictionary with additional parameters for the main method


public NSArray mainArguments()
Returns all command line parameters which will be passed to the Java Client application's main method. This includes both names and values in one ordered NSArray. Instead of overriding this method in a subclass, consider overriding setAdditionalMainArguments or additionalMainArguments.

the NSArray with command line parameters for the Java Client application's main method


public void setMainArgument(String name)
Sets the current main argument that the WORepetition (for the main arguments) is iterating over over while generating the JNLP file.

name - the name of the current main argument


public String mainArgument()
Returns the current main argument that the WORepetition (for the main arguments) is iterating over over while generating the JNLP file.

the name of the current main argument

Last updated June 2008

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