WebObjects 5.4.2

Class EOKeyValueCoding.DefaultImplementation

  extended by com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOKeyValueCoding.DefaultImplementation
Enclosing interface:

public static class EOKeyValueCoding.DefaultImplementation
extends Object

The EOKeyValueCoding.DefaultImplementation class provides the WebObjects default implementation of the EOKeyValueCoding interface.

See Also:

Method Summary
static Object storedValueForKey(Object object, String key)
           Retrieves the value associated with the property named key on object.
static void takeStoredValueForKey(Object object, Object value, String key)
           Sets the property identified by key to value on object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static Object storedValueForKey(Object object,
                                       String key)

Retrieves the value associated with the property named key on object. This method is used when the value is retrieved for storage in an object store (generally, this ultimately in a database) or for inclusion in a snapshot.

The default implementation searches for a method and (if canAccessFieldsDirectly is true) for a field matching key. For example, for key "value" the search order is as follows: (a) method "_getValue"; (b) method "_value"; (c) method "_isValue"; (d) field "_value"; (e) field "_isValue"; (f) field "value"; (g) field "isValue"; (h) method "getValue"; (i) method "value"; (j) method "isValue". If an unknown key is encountered and the object implements the NSKeyValueCoding.ErrorHandling interface, handleQueryWithUnboundKey is invoked, otherwise a NSKeyValueCoding.UnknownKeyException is raised.

object - the object on which to operate
key - the property of object to retrieve
object's stored value for the property identified by key
See Also:
EOKeyValueCoding.storedValueForKey(String), NSKeyValueCoding, NSKeyValueCoding.ErrorHandling


public static void takeStoredValueForKey(Object object,
                                         Object value,
                                         String key)

Sets the property identified by key to value on object. This method is used to initialize the receiver with values from an object store (generally, this is ultimately from a database) or to restore a value from a snapshot.

The default implementation searches for a method and (if canAccessFieldsDirectly is true) for a field matching key. For example, for key "value" the search order is as follows: (a) method "_setValue"; (b) field "_value"; (c) field "_isValue"; (d) field "value"; (e) field "isValue"; (f) method "setValue". If an unknown key is encountered and the object implements the NSKeyValueCoding.ErrorHandling interface, handleTakeValueForUnboundKey is invoked, otherwise a NSKeyValueCoding.UnknownKeyException is raised.

object - the object on which to operate
value - the new value for the key property
key - the property of object to set
See Also:
EOKeyValueCoding.takeStoredValueForKey(Object, String), NSKeyValueCoding, NSKeyValueCoding.ErrorHandling

Last updated June 2008

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