WebObjects 5.4.2

Class EODocumentController

  extended by com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOController
      extended by com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOComponentController
          extended by com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOArchiveController
              extended by com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOEntityController
                  extended by com.webobjects.eoapplication.EODocumentController
All Implemented Interfaces:
EOAction.Enabling, EOAssociationConnector, EOComponentController.EndEditing, EODocument, EOEditable, EOObjectDisplay, EOObjectDisplayDocument, EOObserving, NSDisposable, NSKeyValueCoding, NSKeyValueCoding.ErrorHandling, NSKeyValueCodingAdditions
Direct Known Subclasses:
EOEditingController, EOInterfaceController

public class EODocumentController
extends EOEntityController
implements EOObjectDisplayDocument, EOEditable

The EODocumentController class provides behavior for displaying and editing enterprise objects in a user interface. EODocumentController's API is mostly specified by the interfaces EODocument and EOEditable. Additionally, much of the way that EODocumentController works is set up by its superclass, EOEntityController. Since EOEntityControllers use EOEditingContexts and EODisplayGroups to manage and display a set of enterprise objects, EODocumentControllers use them as well. However, in addition to displaying enterprise objects, document controllers also edit the displayed objects. You can insert, update, and delete enterprise objects; undo and redo unsaved changes; and save and revert.

EODocumentController provides several action methods to interact with a user. For example, the methods revert and saveIfUserConfirms open dialogs to confirm that a user wants to revert or save before performing the action. Also, many of the methods open dialogs when an error occurs, telling the user what happened.

EODocumentController defines the concept of a root document controller. A document controller is the root document controller if none of its supercontrollers conform to EODocument. A root document controller usually provides the editing context for all its descendent document controllers -- the subcontrollers typically don't create their own. Consequently, the root document controller has responsibilities that non-root document controllers don't have. For example, only the root document controller provides save and revert behavior.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOComponentController
EOComponentController.ActionCollector, EOComponentController.Activation, EOComponentController.EndEditing, EOComponentController.Modal, EOComponentController.ResetUserInterface
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOController
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.webobjects.foundation.NSKeyValueCodingAdditions
NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.DefaultImplementation, NSKeyValueCodingAdditions.Utility
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOEntityController
NestedEditingContextProviderMethodName, NewDisplayGroupProviderMethodName, NewDisplayGroupUsingOptimisticRefreshProviderMethodName, NewEditingContextProviderMethodName
Fields inherited from class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOComponentController
Bottom, BottomLeft, BottomRight, Center, Left, Right, Top, TopLeft, TopRight
Fields inherited from class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOController
ControllerAndSubcontrollersEnumeration, ControllerAndSupercontrollersEnumeration, SubcontrollersEnumeration, SupercontrollersEnumeration
Fields inherited from interface com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOEditable
AlwaysEditable, IfSupercontrollerEditable, NeverEditable
Fields inherited from interface com.webobjects.foundation.NSKeyValueCodingAdditions
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new document controller.
EODocumentController(EOXMLUnarchiver unarchiver)
          Creates a new document controller from an EOXMLUnarchiver.
Method Summary
 boolean canPerformActionNamed(String actionName)
          Overridden to handle editing-related action enabling and disabling.
 boolean canRedo()
          Returns whether the receiver can redo.
 boolean canRevert()
          Returns whether the receiver can revert.
 boolean canSave()
          Returns whether the receiver can save.
 boolean canUndo()
          Returns whether the receiver can undo.
protected  void connectionWasEstablished()
          Reacts to the connection for the receiver being established, taking care of editability issues in addition to the superclass implementation.
protected  NSArray defaultActions()
          Adds actions for handling editing (like save, revert) the default actions defined by the superclass, EOEntityController (but only if the receiver is a root document controller and if it's not used in a modal dialog.
 void deleteSelectedObjects()
          Deletes the objects selected in the receiver's display group and updates the edited status to true.
 void dispose()
          Prepares the receiver so it is disposed when Java performs garbage collection.
 int editability()
          Returns the editability of the receiver.
 void handleEditingContextNotification(NSNotification notification)
          In addition to the superclass implementation, updates the edited state of the receiver based on changes that happened in the receiver's editing context.
 void insertObject()
          Creates a new enterprise object, inserts it into the receiver's display group and updates the edited status to true.
 boolean isDocumentForGlobalID(EOGlobalID globalID, String entityName)
          Conformance to EODocument.
 boolean isEditable()
          Returns whether the receiver is currently editable.
 boolean isEdited()
          Returns the receiver's edited state.
 boolean isRootDocumentController()
          Returns whether the receiver is a root document controller (which is the case if none of the supercontrollers conform to EODocument).
 void prepareForNewTask(boolean prepareSubcontrollersForNewTask)
          Prepares the receiver for performing a new task by resetting any data and resetting it's edited state.
 void redo()
          Tells the receiver's editing context to redo the last editing state.
 boolean revert()
          Reverts the receiver's editing context changes by invoking revertChanges, requesting an error dialog upon failure.
 boolean revertAndMakeInvisible()
          Attempts to revert the receiver's editing context changes and makes the receiver's user interface invisible if the revert succeeded (which usually results in a window closing).
 boolean revertChanges(boolean showErrorDialog)
          Tells the receiver's editing context to revert changes and updates the receiver's editing state on success.
protected  void revertFailed(Exception exception, boolean showErrorDialog)
          Invoked from revertChanges if the revert failed.
 boolean save()
          Saves the receiver's editing context changes by invoking saveChanges, requesting an error dialog upon failure.
 boolean saveAndMakeInvisible()
          Attempts to save the receiver's editing context changes and makes the receiver's user interface invisible if the save succeeded (which usually results in a window closing).
 boolean saveChanges(boolean showErrorDialog, String saveOperationTitle)
          Tells the receiver's editing context to save changes and updates the receiver's editing state on success.
protected  void saveFailed(Exception exception, boolean showErrorDialog, String saveOperationTitle)
          Invoked from saveChanges if the save failed.
 boolean saveIfUserConfirms()
          Invokes saveIfUserConfirms(boolean, String) with default values for a normal save operation.
 boolean saveIfUserConfirms(String operationTitle, String message)
          Presents an alert panel asking the user whether the receiver's editing context changes should be saved or not (operationTitle is used as a description of the operation, message as the question displayed in the alert panel).
 boolean saveIfUserConfirmsAndMakeInvisible()
          Invokes saveIfUserConfirmsAndMakeInvisible(String, String) with default values for a normal save & close operation.
 boolean saveIfUserConfirmsAndMakeInvisible(String operationTitle, String message)
          Invokes saveIfUserConfirms(boolean, String) and makes the receiver's user interface invisible if the save succeeded (which usually results in a window closing).
 void setEditability(int editability)
          Sets the editability of the receiver to editability.
 void setEdited(boolean flag)
          Conformance to EODocument.
 void supercontrollerEditabilityDidChange()
          Invoked to notify the receiver that the editability of its supercontroller changed, giving the receiver the opportunity to update its user interface to match the editability of the supercontroller.
 void takeResponsibilityForEditabilityOfAssociation(EOAssociation association)
          Invoked when one of the receiver's subcontrollers is disposed as a transient controller.
 String toString()
          Returns the receiver as a String describing the state of the controller.
 void undo()
          Tells the receiver's editing context to undo the last editing state.
protected  void wasEdited()
          Invoked from setEdited to notify the receiver that edited status has changed, giving the receiver the opportunity to react.
Methods inherited from class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOEntityController
connectionWasBroken, controllerDidLoadArchive, controllerWillLoadArchive, displayGroup, displayGroupProviderMethodName, displayGroupSortOrderings, editingContext, editingContextProviderMethodName, endEditing, entityName, establishConnection, fetchesOnConnect, isFetchesOnConnectEnabled, isRootEntityController, nestedEditingContext, newDataSource, newDisplayGroup, newDisplayGroupUsingOptimisticRefresh, newEditingContext, objectForOutletPath, resetsEditingContextWhenPreparingForNewTask, selectedObject, selectedObjectGlobalID, selectedObjects, selectedObjectsGlobalIDs, setDisplayGroup, setDisplayGroupProviderMethodName, setEditingContext, setEditingContextProviderMethodName, setEntityName, setFetchesOnConnect, setFetchesOnConnectEnabled, setObjectsWithFetchSpecification, setObjectsWithGlobalIDs, setObjectWithGlobalID, setResetsEditingContextWhenPreparingForNewTask, startListeningToDisplayGroup, startListeningToEditingContext, stopListeningToDisplayGroup, stopListeningToEditingContext, takeResposibilityForConnectionOfAssociation
Methods inherited from class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOArchiveController
archiveName, controllerDisplayGroup, hasControllerDisplayGroup, loadArchive, objectWillChange, prepareComponent, setArchiveName, setControllerDisplayGroup, willChange
Methods inherited from class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOComponentController
activateFirstFocusComponent, addComponentOfSubcontroller, alignsComponents, canBeTransient, canResizeHorizontally, canResizeVertically, component, componentDidBecomeInvisible, componentDidBecomeVisible, defaultComponentSize, ensureMinimumComponentSizeWithoutSubcontrollers, ensureMinimumSubcontrollerAreaSize, firstFocusComponent, generateComponent, handleTakeValueForUnboundKey, hideInSupercontroller, hideSubcontroller, icon, insets, integrationComponent, integrationComponentDidBecomeInvisible, integrationComponentDidBecomeVisible, isComponentPrepared, isRootComponentController, isVisible, label, lastFocusComponent, makeInvisible, makeVisible, minimumComponentSize, minimumComponentSizeWithoutSubcontrollers, minimumIntegrationComponentSize, minimumSubcontrollerAreaSize, prefersIconOnly, removeComponentOfSubcontroller, removeTransientSubcontroller, setAlignsComponents, setCanResizeHorizontally, setCanResizeVertically, setComponent, setDefaultComponentSize, setFirstFocusComponent, setIcon, setInsets, setLabel, setLastFocusComponent, setPrefersIconOnly, setSubcontrollerArea, setToolTip, setUsesHorizontalLayout, setVisible, showInSupercontroller, showSubcontroller, subcontrollerArea, subcontrollerMinimumSizeDidChange, subcontrollerWasAdded, subcontrollerWasRemoved, toolTip, toolTipComponent, usesHorizontalLayout
Methods inherited from class com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOController
actionNames, actions, actionWithName, additionalActions, additionalKeyValuePairs, addSubcontroller, breakConnection, breakConnectionToSubcontrollers, canAccessFieldsDirectly, controllerEnumeration, controllersInEnumeration, controllersWithKeyValuePair, controllersWithKeyValuePairs, controllerWithKeyValuePair, controllerWithKeyValuePairs, disableActionNamed, disposableRegistry, disposeIfTransient, enableActionNamed, enabledActions, establishConnectionToSupercontrollers, handleQueryWithUnboundKey, hierarchicalControllerForKey, hierarchicalValueForKey, invokeMethod, isActionNamedEnabled, isAncestorOfController, isConnected, isSupercontrollerOfController, isTransientExplicitlyForbidden, removeFromSupercontroller, removeSubcontroller, resetActions, setAdditionalActions, setAdditionalKeyValuePair, setAdditionalKeyValuePairs, setConnected, setSupercontroller, setTransientExplicitlyForbidden, setTypeName, subcontrollers, supercontroller, supercontroller, takeValueForKey, takeValueForKeyPath, typeName, unableToSetNullForKey, valueForKey, valueForKeyPath
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.webobjects.eoapplication.EOObjectDisplay
controllerDisplayGroup, displayGroup, editingContext, entityName

Constructor Detail


public EODocumentController()
Creates a new document controller.


public EODocumentController(EOXMLUnarchiver unarchiver)
Creates a new document controller from an EOXMLUnarchiver.

unarchiver - the unarchiver providing XML attributes
Method Detail


public void dispose()
Prepares the receiver so it is disposed when Java performs garbage collection.

Specified by:
dispose in interface NSDisposable
dispose in class EOEntityController


public void prepareForNewTask(boolean prepareSubcontrollersForNewTask)
Prepares the receiver for performing a new task by resetting any data and resetting it's edited state.

prepareForNewTask in class EOEntityController
prepareSubcontrollersForNewTask - true if the method should be forwarded to all subcontrollers; false otherwise


protected void connectionWasEstablished()
Reacts to the connection for the receiver being established, taking care of editability issues in addition to the superclass implementation.

connectionWasEstablished in class EOEntityController
See Also:


public boolean isRootDocumentController()
Returns whether the receiver is a root document controller (which is the case if none of the supercontrollers conform to EODocument).

true if the controller is a root document controller; false otherwise


public void setEditability(int editability)
Description copied from interface: EOEditable
Sets the editability of the receiver to editability. See the method description of setEditability in the interface specification for EOEditable.

Specified by:
setEditability in interface EOEditable
editability - the editability, one of EOEditable.NeverEditable, EOEditable.AlwaysEditable, or EOEditable.IfSupercontrollerEditable


public int editability()
Description copied from interface: EOEditable
Returns the editability of the receiver. The default behavior should be to return EOEditable.IfSupercontrollerEditable.

Specified by:
editability in interface EOEditable
the editability, one of EOEditable.NeverEditable, EOEditable.AlwaysEditable, or EOEditable.IfSupercontrollerEditable


public boolean isEditable()
Description copied from interface: EOEditable
Returns whether the receiver is currently editable. A receiver is editable if its editability is EOEditable.AlwaysEditable or its editability is EOEditable.IfSupercontrollerEditable and sending EOEditable.isEditable to the first EOEditable supercontroller of the receiver returns true.

Specified by:
isEditable in interface EOEditable
true if the controller is currently editable; false otherwise


public void supercontrollerEditabilityDidChange()
Description copied from interface: EOEditable
Invoked to notify the receiver that the editability of its supercontroller changed, giving the receiver the opportunity to update its user interface to match the editability of the supercontroller. This method is only sent to connected subcontrollers whose editability is EOEditable.IfSupercontrollerEditable.

Specified by:
supercontrollerEditabilityDidChange in interface EOEditable


public void takeResponsibilityForEditabilityOfAssociation(EOAssociation association)
Description copied from interface: EOEditable
Invoked when one of the receiver's subcontrollers is disposed as a transient controller. This method instructs the receiver to assume responsibility for managing the editability of the subcontroller's EOAssociation, association.

Specified by:
takeResponsibilityForEditabilityOfAssociation in interface EOEditable
association - the transient subcontroller's association


public void handleEditingContextNotification(NSNotification notification)
In addition to the superclass implementation, updates the edited state of the receiver based on changes that happened in the receiver's editing context.

handleEditingContextNotification in class EOEntityController
notification - the editing context notification
See Also:


protected void saveFailed(Exception exception,
                          boolean showErrorDialog,
                          String saveOperationTitle)
Invoked from saveChanges if the save failed. If showErrorDialog is true, brings the receiver's user interface to the front and opens a dialog displaying exception's class name and exception message. This method can be overridden by subclasses to handle save errors in a special way.

exception - the exception causing the save error
showErrorDialog - true if the controller should show an error dialog; false otherwise
saveOperationTitle - a description of the operation causing the save
See Also:
EODocumentController.saveChanges(boolean, String)


public boolean saveChanges(boolean showErrorDialog,
                           String saveOperationTitle)

Tells the receiver's editing context to save changes and updates the receiver's editing state on success. If the save fails, catches the exception and invokes saveFailed to show the reason for failure. Returns whether the save succeeded.

Some applications need to disable undo operations after a save. You can override this method to do so, for example:

  public boolean saveChanges(boolean showErrorDialog, String saveOperationTitle) {
      if (super.saveChanges(showErrorDialog, saveOperationTitle)) {

showErrorDialog - true if the controller should show a dialog if the save fails; false otherwise
saveOperationTitle - a description of the operation causing the save
true if the save succeeded; false otherwise
See Also:
EODocumentController.saveFailed(Exception, boolean, String)


protected void revertFailed(Exception exception,
                            boolean showErrorDialog)
Invoked from revertChanges if the revert failed. If showErrorDialog is true, brings the receiver's user interface to the front and opens a dialog displaying exception's class name and exception message. This method can be overridden by subclasses to handle revert errors in a special way.

exception - the exception causing the save error
showErrorDialog - true if the controller should show an error dialog; false otherwise
See Also:


public boolean revertChanges(boolean showErrorDialog)
Tells the receiver's editing context to revert changes and updates the receiver's editing state on success. If the revert fails, catches the exception and invokes revertFailed to show the reason for failure. Returns whether the revert succeeded.

showErrorDialog - true if the controller should show a dialog if the revert fails; false otherwise
true if the revert succeeded; false otherwise
See Also:
EODocumentController.revertFailed(Exception, boolean)


public boolean isDocumentForGlobalID(EOGlobalID globalID,
                                     String entityName)
Conformance to EODocument. Returns whether the receiver is a document for the enterprise object associated with globalID and entityName. See the method description of isDocumentForGlobalID in the interface specification for EODocument. EODocumentController's default implementation returns true if the receiver is a root document controller and receiver's display group displays only the specified object. Subclasses might have to override this method to return false, for example list controllers can't really be documents for a single object and should return false.

Specified by:
isDocumentForGlobalID in interface EODocument
globalID - the EOGlobalID of the enterprise object
entityName - the name of the entity of the enterprise object
true if the receiver is a root document controller and its display group is displaying only the specified enteprise object; false otherwise
See Also:
EODocument.isDocumentForGlobalID(EOGlobalID, String)


protected void wasEdited()
Invoked from setEdited to notify the receiver that edited status has changed, giving the receiver the opportunity to react.

See Also:


public void setEdited(boolean flag)
Conformance to EODocument. Sets the receiver's edited state. See the method description of setEdited in the interface specification for EODocument. EODocumentController's default implementation only updates the edited state of the receiver if it's a root document controller, otherwise it asks the root document controller to handle the edited state.

Specified by:
setEdited in interface EODocument
flag - true if the controller is edited (and unsaved); false otherwise
See Also:


public boolean isEdited()
Description copied from interface: EODocument
Returns the receiver's edited state.

Specified by:
isEdited in interface EODocument
true if the controller is edited (and unsaved); false otherwise


public void insertObject()
Creates a new enterprise object, inserts it into the receiver's display group and updates the edited status to true.


public void deleteSelectedObjects()
Deletes the objects selected in the receiver's display group and updates the edited status to true.


protected NSArray defaultActions()
Adds actions for handling editing (like save, revert) the default actions defined by the superclass, EOEntityController (but only if the receiver is a root document controller and if it's not used in a modal dialog.

defaultActions in class EOController
an array of the receiver's default actions
See Also:
EOController.actions(), EOController.resetActions()


public boolean canPerformActionNamed(String actionName)
Overridden to handle editing-related action enabling and disabling.

Specified by:
canPerformActionNamed in interface EOAction.Enabling
canPerformActionNamed in class EOController
actionName - the action method name
true if the action should be enabled; false otherwise
See Also:


public boolean canUndo()
Returns whether the receiver can undo. A document controller can undo as long as its editing context's undo manager can undo and as long as it (or one of its subcontrollers) is editable.

true if the controller can undo; false otherwise


public void undo()
Tells the receiver's editing context to undo the last editing state.


public boolean canRedo()
Returns whether the receiver can redo. A document controller can redo as long as its editing context's undo manager can redo and as long as it (or one of its subcontrollers) is editable.

true if the controller can undo; false otherwise


public void redo()
Tells the receiver's editing context to redo the last editing state.


public boolean canSave()
Returns whether the receiver can save. A document controller can save only if it's the root document controller and if it's edited.

true if the controller can save; false otherwise


public boolean save()
Saves the receiver's editing context changes by invoking saveChanges, requesting an error dialog upon failure. Returns whether the save succeeded.

Specified by:
save in interface EODocument
true if the save succeeded; false otherwise
See Also:
EODocumentController.saveChanges(boolean, String)


public boolean canRevert()
Returns whether the receiver can revert. A document controller can revert only if it's the root document controller and if it's edited.

true if the controller can revert; false otherwise


public boolean revert()
Reverts the receiver's editing context changes by invoking revertChanges, requesting an error dialog upon failure. Returns whether the revert succeeded.

true if the revert succeeded; false otherwise
See Also:


public boolean saveIfUserConfirms(String operationTitle,
                                  String message)
Presents an alert panel asking the user whether the receiver's editing context changes should be saved or not (operationTitle is used as a description of the operation, message as the question displayed in the alert panel). The user can choose to save or not to save. Returns whether the changes were saved successfully.

Specified by:
saveIfUserConfirms in interface EODocument
operationTitle - a description of the operation
message - a message to be displayed to the user
true if the save succeeded; false if the save failed or the user chose to not save
See Also:
EODocumentController.saveChanges(boolean, String)


public boolean saveIfUserConfirms()
Invokes saveIfUserConfirms(boolean, String) with default values for a normal save operation.

true if the save succeeded; false if the save failed or the user chose to not save
See Also:
EODocumentController.saveIfUserConfirms(String, String)


public boolean saveIfUserConfirmsAndMakeInvisible(String operationTitle,
                                                  String message)
Invokes saveIfUserConfirms(boolean, String) and makes the receiver's user interface invisible if the save succeeded (which usually results in a window closing).

operationTitle - a description of the operation
message - a message to be displayed to the user
true if the save succeeded; false if the save failed or the user chose to not save
See Also:
EODocumentController.saveIfUserConfirms(String, String), EOComponentController.makeInvisible()


public boolean saveIfUserConfirmsAndMakeInvisible()
Invokes saveIfUserConfirmsAndMakeInvisible(String, String) with default values for a normal save & close operation.

true if the save succeeded; false if the save failed or the user chose to not save
See Also:
EODocumentController.saveIfUserConfirmsAndMakeInvisible(String, String)


public boolean saveAndMakeInvisible()
Attempts to save the receiver's editing context changes and makes the receiver's user interface invisible if the save succeeded (which usually results in a window closing). The user is not given the choice to cancel the operation.

true if the save succeeded; false if the save failed or the user chose to not save


public boolean revertAndMakeInvisible()
Attempts to revert the receiver's editing context changes and makes the receiver's user interface invisible if the revert succeeded (which usually results in a window closing). The user is not given the choice to cancel the operation.

true if the save succeeded; false if the save failed or the user chose to not save


public String toString()
Returns the receiver as a String describing the state of the controller.

toString in class EOEntityController
the String representation of the receiver

Last updated June 2008

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