WebObjects 5.4.2

Class WOMLWebObjectsQualifierNamespace

  extended by com.webobjects.appserver.parser.woml.namespaces.WOMLWebObjectsQualifierNamespace
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class WOMLWebObjectsQualifierNamespace
extends Object
implements WOMLNamespace

Namespace for the WebObjects qualifier namespace.


Constructor Summary
WOMLWebObjectsQualifierNamespace(String namespace)
Method Summary
 boolean canGenerateElement(WOMLElement element)
          Returns true if the receiver can generate a WOElement from the information contained in the given WOMLElement.
 void contributeToDeclaration(WOMLElement element, WOElement template, WOMutableDeclaration declaration, NSArray languages, WOAssociationFactory associationFactory)
          Contributes from the receiving namespace into the declaration given.
 WOElement generateElement(WOMLElement element, WOElement template, WOMutableDeclaration declaration, NSArray languages, WOAssociationFactory associationFactory)
          Returns the constructed WOElement from the given WOMLElement, template (child WOElement of the WOMLElement) and declaration.
 String getNamespaceId()
          Returns the namespace identifier for this namespace.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public WOMLWebObjectsQualifierNamespace(String namespace)
Method Detail


public String getNamespaceId()
Description copied from interface: WOMLNamespace
Returns the namespace identifier for this namespace.

Specified by:
getNamespaceId in interface WOMLNamespace


public boolean canGenerateElement(WOMLElement element)
Description copied from interface: WOMLNamespace
Returns true if the receiver can generate a WOElement from the information contained in the given WOMLElement.

Specified by:
canGenerateElement in interface WOMLNamespace


public WOElement generateElement(WOMLElement element,
                                 WOElement template,
                                 WOMutableDeclaration declaration,
                                 NSArray languages,
                                 WOAssociationFactory associationFactory)
Description copied from interface: WOMLNamespace
Returns the constructed WOElement from the given WOMLElement, template (child WOElement of the WOMLElement) and declaration. The declaration will have been set previously via contributeToDeclaration by all contributors. This method is called if the receiver returns true from canGenerateElement() for a particular element. There can be at most one element generator for a given WOMLElement, so this method has total control over the WOElement generated.

Specified by:
generateElement in interface WOMLNamespace


public void contributeToDeclaration(WOMLElement element,
                                    WOElement template,
                                    WOMutableDeclaration declaration,
                                    NSArray languages,
                                    WOAssociationFactory associationFactory)
Description copied from interface: WOMLNamespace
Contributes from the receiving namespace into the declaration given. Normally this means contributing binding values. This method is called when the target namespace appears in either the attributes or the tag name of the target WOMLElement.

Specified by:
contributeToDeclaration in interface WOMLNamespace

Last updated June 2008

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