WebObjects 5.4.2

Interface EOSchemaGeneration

All Superinterfaces:

Deprecated. Deprecated in WebObjects 5.4. Replaced by com.webobjects.eoaccess.synchronization.EOSchemaGeneration.

public interface EOSchemaGeneration
extends EOSchemaGeneration

See Also:

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface com.webobjects.eoaccess.synchronization.EOSchemaGeneration
Field Summary
static String CreateDatabaseKey
          Deprecated. Options dictionary key whose value determines whether the EOSQLExpression should generate SQL to create a database.
static String CreateIndexesKey
          Deprecated. Options dictionary key whose value determines whether the EOSQLExpression should generate SQL to create the indexes.
static String CreatePrimaryKeySupportKey
          Deprecated. Options dictionary key whose value determines whether the EOSQLExpression should generate SQL to create primary key support.
static String CreateTablesKey
          Deprecated. Options dictionary key whose value determines whether the EOSQLExpression should generate SQL to create tables.
static String DropDatabaseKey
          Deprecated. Options dictionary key whose value determines whether the EOSQLExpression should generate SQL to drop a database.
static String DropIndexesKey
          Deprecated. Options dictionary key whose value determines whether the EOSQLExpression should generate SQL to drop the indexes.
static String DropPrimaryKeySupportKey
          Deprecated. Options dictionary key whose value determines whether the EOSQLExpression should generate SQL to drop primary key support.
static String DropTablesKey
          Deprecated. Options dictionary key whose value determines whether the EOSQLExpression should generate SQL to drop tables.
static String ForeignKeyConstraintsKey
          Deprecated. Options dictionary key whose value determines whether the EOSQLExpression should generate SQL to create foreign key constraints.
static String PrimaryKeyConstraintsKey
          Deprecated. Options dictionary key whose value determines whether the EOSQLExpression should generate SQL to create primary key constraints.
Method Summary
 String schemaCreationScriptForEntities(NSArray allEntities, NSDictionary options)
          Deprecated. Returns a script of SQL statements suitable to create the schema based on options for the EOEntity objects in allEntities.
 NSArray schemaCreationStatementsForEntities(NSArray allEntities, NSDictionary options)
          Deprecated. Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions suitable to create the schema based on options for the EOEntity objects in allEntities.
Methods inherited from interface com.webobjects.eoaccess.synchronization.EOSchemaGeneration
appendExpressionToScript, createDatabaseStatementsForConnectionDictionary, createIndexStatementsForEntityGroup, createIndexStatementsForEntityGroups, createTableStatementsForEntityGroup, createTableStatementsForEntityGroups, dropDatabaseStatementsForConnectionDictionary, dropIndexStatementsForEntityGroup, dropIndexStatementsForEntityGroups, dropPrimaryKeySupportStatementsForEntityGroup, dropPrimaryKeySupportStatementsForEntityGroups, dropTableStatementsForEntityGroup, dropTableStatementsForEntityGroups, foreignKeyConstraintStatementsForRelationship, newOptions, primaryKeyConstraintStatementsForEntityGroup, primaryKeyConstraintStatementsForEntityGroups, primaryKeySupportStatementsForEntityGroup, primaryKeySupportStatementsForEntityGroups, schemaCreationScriptForEntities, schemaCreationStatementsForEntities, schemaGenerationDelegate, setSchemaGenerationDelegate

Field Detail


static final String CreateTablesKey
Options dictionary key whose value determines whether the EOSQLExpression should generate SQL to create tables.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String DropTablesKey
Options dictionary key whose value determines whether the EOSQLExpression should generate SQL to drop tables.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String CreatePrimaryKeySupportKey
Options dictionary key whose value determines whether the EOSQLExpression should generate SQL to create primary key support.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String DropPrimaryKeySupportKey
Options dictionary key whose value determines whether the EOSQLExpression should generate SQL to drop primary key support.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String PrimaryKeyConstraintsKey
Options dictionary key whose value determines whether the EOSQLExpression should generate SQL to create primary key constraints.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String ForeignKeyConstraintsKey
Options dictionary key whose value determines whether the EOSQLExpression should generate SQL to create foreign key constraints.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String CreateDatabaseKey
Options dictionary key whose value determines whether the EOSQLExpression should generate SQL to create a database.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String DropDatabaseKey
Options dictionary key whose value determines whether the EOSQLExpression should generate SQL to drop a database.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String CreateIndexesKey
Options dictionary key whose value determines whether the EOSQLExpression should generate SQL to create the indexes.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final String DropIndexesKey
Options dictionary key whose value determines whether the EOSQLExpression should generate SQL to drop the indexes.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


String schemaCreationScriptForEntities(NSArray allEntities,
                                       NSDictionary options)
Returns a script of SQL statements suitable to create the schema based on options for the EOEntity objects in allEntities. Returns an empty string if either options or allEntities is empty or null.

options is a dictionary whose keys describe possible aspects of a schema and whose respective values of "YES" or "NO" determine whether that schema option is enabled for a particular invocation. The possible option keys are:

Used in conjunction with appendExpressionToScript and schemaCreationStatementsForEntities to build up the SQL script to generate the specified schema for allEntities.

allEntities - An array of EOEntity objects.
options - A dictionary describing the schema options for which to generate SQL statements.
A string comprising the SQL statements necessary to create a schema for allEntities with the given options.
See Also:
EOSchemaGeneration.appendExpressionToScript( EOSQLExpression anSQLExpression, StringBuffer script), EOSchemaGeneration.schemaCreationStatementsForEntities( NSArray allEntities, NSDictionary options), EOSchemaSynchronizationFactory#schemaCreationScriptForEntities( NSArray allEntities, NSDictionary options)


NSArray schemaCreationStatementsForEntities(NSArray allEntities,
                                            NSDictionary options)
Returns an array of EOSQLExpressions suitable to create the schema based on options for the EOEntity objects in allEntities. Returns an empty array if either allEntities or options is null or empty.

options is a dictionary whose keys possible aspects of a schema and whose respective values of "YES" or "NO" determine whether that schema option is enabled for a particular invocation. The possible option keys are:

Used in conjunction with appendExpressionToScript and schemaCreationScriptForEntities to build up the SQL script to generate the specified schema for allEntities.

allEntities - An array of EOEntity objects.
options - A dictionary describing the schema options for which to generate SQL statements.
An array of EOSQLExpressions that define the SQL statements necessary to create a schema for allEntities with the given options.
See Also:
EOSchemaGeneration.schemaCreationScriptForEntities( NSArray allEntities, NSDictionary options), EOSchemaGeneration.appendExpressionToScript( EOSQLExpression expression, StringBuffer script), EOSchemaSynchronizationFactory#schemaCreationStatementsForEntities(NSArray allEntities, NSDictionary options)

Last updated June 2008

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