What Is It?
The WOrld WebObjects Developer Conference (WOWODC) is the event for developers interested in learning about the potential of WebObjects as well as developers looking to become WebObjects superheroes. Now in its fourth year, WOWODC has established itself as the ultimate source of WebObjects content.
In addition to the speakers, there is no better place to meet your WebObjects peers. Put names to faces, or just catch up with friends from previous years. WOWODC provides a unique opportunity to network with more WebObjects developers than you'll find anywhere else.
WOWODC 2010 will be held in Montreal (Canada) on August 27th, 28th and 29th 2010 at Hotel Gouverneur!
WOWODC 2008 and 2009
The recordings for WOWODC West 2009, East 2008 and West 2008 are available for purchase.
We made our first pilgrimage from the UK for WOWODC West 2009 and it was worth every penny. It was great to finally get to meet all those people who have helped us on the lists over the years, and to spend a couple of full-on days learning and discovering things that have helped us improve our products and our development workflow no end. -- Simon McLean
From 2005 I have had the fortune of attending each WWDC, which is where first learned about WO. Later, I learned of a movement to promote WO by teaching concepts and how to use it effectively. Since 2008, that movement has benefited my research tremendously. My dissertation has been about the restoration of Texas Tech's mirror of DR1, and many discoveries have been made thanks to WO. Two of these discoveries have been published through IEEE Computer. Thanks to both Practical WebObjects and sessions at WOWODC, I have been able to identify patterns that have been obscured or worse misunderstood in the academic community. These patterns have allowed new principals to be devised, and have aided in discoveries that allow my dissertation project to succeed. I hope that by WOWODC 2010, I will completed the project and defended the dissertation proposal so that fruit of this labor may be beneficially used. These accomplishments are made possible by sessions presented as WOWODC 2008 and 2009. -- Daniel Beatty