June 6th and 7th ... San Francisco ... Hotel Whitcomb
August 29th and 30th ... Montreal ... Hotel Gouverneur

What Is It?

The WOrld WebObjects Developer Conference (WOWODC) is the event for developers interested in learning about the potential of WebObjects as well as developers looking to become WebObjects superheroes. Now in its third year, WOWODC has established itself as the ultimate source of WebObjects content.

In addition to the speakers, there is no better place to meet your WebObjects peers. Put names to faces, or just catch up with friends from previous years. WOWODC provides a unique opportunity to network with more WebObjects developers than you'll find anywhere else.

This is an exciting time for WebObjects, and WOWODC is the place to be to learn about what is in store.


For information on WOWODC West in San Francisco, check out the WOWODC West pages.


For information on WOWODC East in Montreal, check out the WOWODC East pages.

Go, Already!!

Are you already sold on WOWODC? Jump over to the Tickets West page or Tickets East to sign up!


Is this your first time at WOWODC? Check out the content we had in 2008.

Our sponsors

Box Office Tickets
WebObjects Community Association


Web site design : Mike Schrag | Web site hosting : WOAH!